Communication and Collaboration

The clear and transparent exchange of information, and collaborative efforts to support each workers’ success at work.


What is communication and collaboration?

Communication and collaboration involve the clear exchange of information and transparent discussion of what a worker needs to do their job successfully. This involves collaborative efforts to support each worker’s success.

Why is communication and collaboration important?

There are many benefits to having leaders effectively trained in communication and collaboration:

  • Workers may gain increased clarity about what they need to do.

  • Tasks are more likely to be executed correctly.

  • There can be enhanced clarity around priorities – at both the team and individual level.

  • The chances of miscommunication and errors are reduced.

  • Each worker’s potential can be optimized.

  • Challenges, when they exist, can be identified and resolved in a timelier manner.



  • • Invest time in enhancing your emotional intelligence skills. This can provide multiple benefits, including reducing personal levels of stress while positively affecting others’ well-being and effectiveness. Learn more about enhancing emotional intelligence here.

    • Advocate for leadership coaching, mentorship and training for yourself.

    • Discuss challenging situations with a trusted colleague, while maintaining appropriate privacy and confidentiality. Getting an objective perspective from someone else on how to approach a difficult situation can help.

  • • Recognize that psychologically safe leadership requires up-front time and investment. Know that this can save you time later, particularly in preventatively and proactively dealing with potential challenges should they arise.

    • Schedule meetings in advance in your calendar so you have protected time and aren’t scrambling to find last minute options in your schedule. Meeting times can always be released if/as needed.

    • Establish a set amount of time for meetings (e.g. 30 minutes) and establish a clear agenda which you share with each of your direct reports.

  • • Your role as a leader is to mitigate any unnecessary fear or concern. Ensure you understand workers’ specific questions and concerns by asking about them directly. Share the information you can. If you don’t have the answers, or aren’t privy to sharing information, make sure to still acknowledge that you have heard their concerns and that you will report back as soon as you can. Avoiding workers’ concerns can cultivate their fear.

    • Seek clarity about the information that you can share and when you can share it.

    • When you are unsure of how to proceed, discuss any concerns brought forward by workers with your higher-ups, and ask for help in managing the fear.

    • If you haven’t been informed yourself as to what may be happening, be transparent in sharing this common ground with workers and indicate you will share information when you can. Even if you don’t have the answers right away, workers may feel better knowing that you are working on it for them.


Next Steps

Committing to communication and collaboration as a leader

  • • Complete the Psychologically Safe Leader Assessment (PSLA) to learn more about your current leadership skills with respect to communication and collaboration. By completing this confidential self-assessment, you can identify key areas in which you can improve your psychologically safe leadership skills.

    • Building your emotional intelligence.

    • Adapting to different learning styles.

    • Conducting productivity reviews with each of your direct reports.

    • Scheduling regular one-to-one meetings with all workers that you supervise.

    • Keeping workers up-to-date on any proposed or actual changes that may impact their work.

    • Transparently sharing all applicable information with workers while maintaining confidentiality and privacy.

    • Discussing concerns brought forward by workers with your supervisors as required and asking for assistance in managing worker uncertainty and fear as needed.

    • Connecting regularly with workers to help maximize their capabilities and potential on the job and seeking regular employee input on their professional development goals.

    • Fostering two-way communication channels.

    • Obtaining feedback on what may currently be challenging or frustrating for your direct reports.

    • Providing regular positive and constructive feedback with the aim of facilitating individual worker growth and development.

    • Increasing employee involvement and influence by actively encouraging workers’ suggestions for new workplace experiences they may benefit from (e.g. specialized committee work).

    • Providing opportunities for workers to increase their interpersonal skills at work.

    • Regularly expressing your appreciation to workers for both their individual and team efforts.

    • Regularly recognizing both individual and team successes.




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