Tools and Resources for Workers

One in five Canadians will experience a mental health issue every year. Ensuring the resilience and psychological health and safety of workers is critical, now more than ever.

Enhancing the psychological health and resilience of workers has potential for organizational benefits like:

•        Increases in productivity.

•        Boost in happiness and engagement.

•        Likely decrease in incidents and injuries, both physical and psychological.

•        Rise in customer satisfaction.

•        Decrease in workplace absences.

•        Enhanced workplace and worker resilience.


Benefits to organizations are directly impacted by how each organization supports the psychological health, safety and resilience of its employees.

Here are some worker tools and resources to get started:

  • Offering its services via video, coaching services or an online program, the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) free Bounce Back® program helps users learn the skills needed to counter symptoms of anxiety, depression and general mental health issues. In the video series, Dr. Samra narrates and guides viewers through practical tips to manage their mood, build confidence, increase their activity, improve their problem-solving strategies and live a healthier lifestyle. The videos can be accessed online or be ordered in DVD format in English, French, Cantonese, Mandarin and Punjabi.

  • We all juggle personal, family, social, financial and work demands. Most of us do pretty well, but any of us could be blindsided by an unexpected crisis or overwhelmed when too many incidents that can cause distress coincide. This resource can help improve your ability to bounce back after a potential health, personal or work crisis. It will help you identify effective strategies and resources to draw on when needed.

  • A quick online, private mental health check-up to identify some symptoms of common mood disorders. Learn more about mood disorders on this site and find resources to help yourself, your family members or friends.

  • A comprehensive website that includes a range of screening self-tests, fact sheets and interactive toolkits for individuals with mental health issues and their families. Resources exist on a range of areas, including abuse, alcohol and substance use, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and eating disorders.

  • A number of workplace mental health resources are available, including information for workers on talking to your employer, talking to co-workers, workplace accommodations, worker rights and responsibilities, legal concerns and employment supports.


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Tools and Resources for Employers